Northumberland Canine Centre
Northumberland Canine Centre 


Dogs have a highly sensitive nose, vastly superior to our own.  As man’s best friend, this behaviour has been put to many uses – for example in police work, search and rescue, and hunting.                                                    

As a fun dog activity, Scentwork UK has evolved from detection nosework as practiced by customs and excise, explosives detection and medical detection dogs, to something that pet dogs can do for fun.

Scentwork Class;

Thursday at 9.30am

For more details / to book a place please contact Cameron on;

                                            07852716358                                            (places are limited)


     Scentwork involves a dog using its sense of smell to identify and                        locate a scent which it has been trained to detect.                                 We use oil of cloves and also gun oil.

Scentwork UK has been set up to promote and develop scentwork as a fun or competitive dog training activity. It is open to anyone and is suitable for all breeds, all ages of dog (or handler) and dogs with injuries or disabilities – scentwork is a low activity, non injurious sport.


SCENTWORK UK involves searches of  room perimeters, boxes & luggage, tables and chairs, an outdoor search and a vehicle search.

Dogs are taught to indicate on location of a scent and in the higher levels there will be decoy scents also.


As a training activity, scentwork is fun, very rewarding and at the same time mentally tiring for your dog. It will improve the relationship between you and your dog and is a great confidence builder especially for the shy dog. You can participate whether it is just for fun, or go on and enter trials and gain qualifications.

You will initially teach your dog the art of methodical searching in all the sections. At the same time we will show you how to teach your dog to discriminate the target scent. Finally, we will teach the ‘passive indication’ , which may vary from dog to dog.

For more information see

**HOOPERS**   Spaces are now available in our Monday Beginners class 1.30pm

and Intermediate class 4.15pm. Dogs must have basic training.

To book a place or for more information contact Kate on.... 07904857398